This was a project that my professor assign the class, it was to illustrated a game of some sort. I design Section Z its a Nintendo Game form the 80s. The medium is ball point pen, ink brush, and digital for the final color. Enjoy.
Hey folks just receive an e-mail from CMYK magazine, telling me that one of my Illustration was pick for the 40th issue magazine's,and not only I got in but my buddies as well DUSTIN DARNAULT and Francis Vallejo. Congrats to all and myself, for achieving this opportunity to be shown to the public in a Nation wide magazine.
Others and I from the community of Ringling College were hired to design and draw in the benches,why, because they need to make the Community of Sarasota more art deco. The benches in the end are going to be place around Sarasota County, for viewer to exceed a happier wait for the bus. It was a fun project to do for the community and these are my results of the design. Hope you like it.
Here's my Illustration entry for Spectrum. It was a all nighter for me and it was killer because the due date was on Friday 25th, of January. Drop it off as soon as possible the day before at 12:00pm to be delieverd for next day. Hopefully gets delivery on time. So in the time of being rushed to finish the illustration I think it went well. To help me in the process of my Illustration, was a tutoral that I downloaded of this Website called Image Fx, heres the link ( The artist name of the tutoral is (João Ruas) Hes the one that recieve a silver metal in Spectrum. Well Hope everyone enjoys my post. Take care. There will be more coming.
Hows it going guys, sorry about the lateness, but this is a self-portrait for the new poster coming up for the school thesis. Trying new stuff with photoshop and traditional. Well, enjoy. See ya later!