
New Work!

My buddy Dustin has been working with this magazine Find, and he has asked me too do two illustration. Its a hip hop magazine. Still in the process of finishing it up for the viewers. The chosen articles were about being fake with your hip hop life. To read more about the articles, you just have to wait until the press release. Enjoy all.


Illustration Academy New Site!

Hows it going folks! Everyone has to check out the illustration Academy because they have a new program for all students. If you never heard of the Illustration Academy its time to join. You have no idea how much information and love for illustration you are going to have when your done with this summer program. The professors and students around the world come for 8 weeks to make you a better artist. So check out the website, you won't be disappointed trust me.
here is the link: Illustration Academy




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Cape Coral , FL., United States

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  • All Images Copyright by Oliver Dominguez 2008©