
Birch Man

New Illustration!! Im working on a series for an upcoming show in May. It has to do with the town I was born at, Miami.

Its a two man show, Orlando and I. The show is called "The O Show"!

So this is the 5th piece for the show.

This one particular piece is about a man Called Mr. Birch, who was the founder of Ft. Laudable, a man who loved nature. A man that had passion for nature. He lived in the middle of the woods with 13 acres of land. He was a smart man, a lawyer that grew up in Ny, he was tired of city living he wanted to do more with his life, thats when he moved to Florida.

He wanted to preserved the lands, make them parks for the people. He protected his land and his house hold. He would stand outside of his house with a rifle, standing near his favorite birch tree. That tree is still standing and its about 400 year old. This is just a pref. story to tell, there is more to come, but thats only going to be in the show.




My photo
Cape Coral , FL., United States

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  • All Images Copyright by Oliver Dominguez 2008©