Hey Guys, Im starting off with a great bang! The illustration is for a gallery show that is represented by Eric Jones. The show is called TaTa Gala its to rasised money for the Breast Cancer Foundation. So its going to be a big show, so if anyone that is around Sarasota is more than welcome to come. Its On Friday December 7, 2007. There some great artist showing, let me drop some names, Nathan Fox, Alberto Ruiz, and many illustrator's from Ringling.
This piece took me 8 days to finsh, I might have to touch it up a bit. I started off with a loose drawing, then I reference it so I could get a better understanding of the anatomy. After the good line drawing I transfer it over onto tracing paper, so I could move things around and crop them, so for the final transfered I passed it onto llustration board. The medium I used was a ball point pen that is call SKB, this pen is the greats pen ever design. Its so smooth and works very well on illustration board. The color was transfer with a lacquer. First I made my color choices in photoshop then printed onto a jet printer then lacquer the color onto the illustration board. I wish the color was a little more saturated but for next time. That brilliant idea to transfer the color was my freind Francis Vallejo(http://francisvallejo.blogspot.com/) also an Illustrator. So that it for now, but theres going to be more coming up this week and the following week. Hope eveyone that reads this is going well.